Can giraffes cough?

Can giraffes cough?

According to some, no. Fiction. But what giraffes can do is stoop
low, lift their stubby little paws and board a Boeing 747 home to
South Africa. Fact.

This is precisely what one little giraffe did when she headed south
for the wilting days of British summer, the whole of autumn 2010 and
a fair chunk of winter in order to dip one toe in the Indian Ocean,
another in the Atlantic and stick her head above the canopy and nibble
on jungle.

Follow her African Safari Picnic over Table Mountain and through the
undergrowth as she becomes the first giraffe to contribute to the

Wednesday 24 November 2010

crossed paths

Two birds. Looking for each other.
Missing each other. Just.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

Sign Language For Dummies

Far from home
Chinyse Fuud
Clue: not a zorse

Mr Martha

Considerate park signs

Happy pills

Hankey Downs 

Taking things too far in the Winelands

Penguin crossing

Sunday 14 November 2010

an ode to solitude

If there’s one thing I have learned,
On this trip so far from home,
It’s that travelling in a car
Expends you lots of time alone.
Though it’s pleasant driving solo
(And not too much of a bore),
I do find myself just glancing
Over ‘tward the passenger door,
And thinking, “Wouldn’t it be nice
To have a little friend,
Someone I could chatter to,
Someone with an ear to lend.
A Cassie or a Pipulet would be a
A lovely treat,
Or just to have a Pelly sitting in
That empty seat.
An Erik would do wonders for
Those lonely, silent days,
And Emma - she would make me smile
With everything she says.
A Rebs would be perfection
If I needed help with smells,
And Lou’n’Saff a super team -
Oh, where, oh, where is Jules?
A Breezie or a Marchington
Might make a lovely change,
And stop me talking to myself,
Stop me being deranged.

A Ness, a Ranch, a Dannibear
One Freya or one Jess,
A Loz, a Julie, two Melissas:
That would be the best.
Why aren’t the Liters next to me?
It’s quiet - where is Mulkerrins?
Oh, where is all my Big Gay Tent
And everyone from Trellick?
No, it’s just me, I’m on my own
(Unless you’re counting Irons,
Reading Brideshead out to me),
Yes, just me and the lions.
And then the lightbulb flickers bright
And things fall into place,
When I remember that so soon
I’ll have my own Roundface!

pool party

Uninvited guests.

A closer look.

Saturday 13 November 2010

a nice, big, shiny chunk of pathetic fallacy on the drive to JoBerg?






a hiccup

my car gets a bit overexcited….

…and has to be taken to the doctor.

The End.

my life in numbers thus far

54: The number of different beds I have slept in thus far

12,000: The number of kilometres I have driven ...more or less (I keep forgetting to count)

4: The number of times I have swum in the sea despite having lived on the beach since August

1: The number of times I have swum in our pool despite having lived in this house since August

0: The number of times I have climbed Table Mountain despite having lived in Cape Town since August

4: The number of big dogs who have knocked me actually to the floor

6: The number of aeroplanes I have been in

4: The number of seats in the smallest aeroplane I was in

800: The number of Rand I handed over to a Nigerian man of questionable authenticity and integrity in the car park of a Johannesburg mall. Before breakfast. All in the name of Saint Nick.

1: The number of legavaans I have spotted

1: The number of legavaans I have almost run over

69: The number of giraffes I have spotted

1: The number of giraffes I have almost run over

389: The number of warthog I have spotted

8,198: The number of impala I have spotted

67: The number of kilos of biltong I have gnawed my way through

67: The number of litres of rooibos tea I have drunk

8: The number of cars I have driven

1: The number of tow trucks I have needed

1: The number of wing mirrors I have lost

1: The number of houses I have almost burned down

41: The number of days until I come home…

Friday 12 November 2010

spot the giraffe

sex mon/donkey

Bacon's Big Adventure

Bacon scopes out the campsite.

She makes a run for it!

She's in, and has some poolside snacks...

…digs around for roots….

…drinks from the bird barh...

…and hopes she doesn't end up
like the last ones who tried it.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

good baboon gone bad

santa's little helper

satan's little helper

Wednesday 29 September 2010

spot the difference:

a dachshund plays with himself
two meerkats stand to attention

Saturday 25 September 2010

Things I Did Not Know: Part I

daddy lions and baby lions get to eat first,
even if the mummy lion caught the baby warthog (wartlet!)

birds eat cheese, lots of cheese

some elephants have two trunks...

south africans put avocado on pizza, no joke

everyone comes in all shapes and sizes,
even grasshoppers

ivy is not just an outside plant