Can giraffes cough?

Can giraffes cough?

According to some, no. Fiction. But what giraffes can do is stoop
low, lift their stubby little paws and board a Boeing 747 home to
South Africa. Fact.

This is precisely what one little giraffe did when she headed south
for the wilting days of British summer, the whole of autumn 2010 and
a fair chunk of winter in order to dip one toe in the Indian Ocean,
another in the Atlantic and stick her head above the canopy and nibble
on jungle.

Follow her African Safari Picnic over Table Mountain and through the
undergrowth as she becomes the first giraffe to contribute to the

Monday 23 August 2010

10 things I did yesterday

1. Woke up in a hilltop log cabin to a garden overlooking Piesang (Banana) Valley

2. Took a drive down to the beach to do a spot of writing and check my emails since log cabins don’t specialise in internet

3. Spent a portion of my just-mailed invoice for aforementioned writing on a steamy Rooibos latte and a blissfully spicy mushrooms, scrambled egg, bacon and lamb’s liver brunch at Sao Goncalo’s, outside Plettenberg Bay

4. Sat quietly with a family of giraffes hoping that the mummy giraffe would give birth to the baby giraffe, drop him on his head and then stuff him into a thorn bush to hide him from the lions

5. Jumped a fence into the forest and tried (and failed) to find the last remaining family of the lesser-spotted Knysna Forest elephant

6. Had sundowners with zebras in a truck on a game drive

7. (i) Got bitten by an African Grey parrot named Sharka
(ii) Petted two sleepy bush babies with eyes as big as bicycle wheels

8. Drank nearly 4 litres of flavoured Nyati liqueur in the Buffalo Hills distillery 

9.(i) Fell into a thorn bush and emerged scratched and studded all over with two-inch spikes
(ii) Fell down some stairs and (almost) into a campfire
(iii) Almost fell into a frozen swimming pool at midnight in the middle of the wilderness

10. Slept in a cabin on a game reserve with the world-famous Knysna Dwarf chameleon, Ready Steady Eddie

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