Can giraffes cough?

Can giraffes cough?

According to some, no. Fiction. But what giraffes can do is stoop
low, lift their stubby little paws and board a Boeing 747 home to
South Africa. Fact.

This is precisely what one little giraffe did when she headed south
for the wilting days of British summer, the whole of autumn 2010 and
a fair chunk of winter in order to dip one toe in the Indian Ocean,
another in the Atlantic and stick her head above the canopy and nibble
on jungle.

Follow her African Safari Picnic over Table Mountain and through the
undergrowth as she becomes the first giraffe to contribute to the

Wednesday 4 August 2010

To post or not to post, that is the question.


I like posting. I also like getting post. So please send me stuff.

It's not for me, natch, it's for my long-necked pal.

He particularly likes DVDs, themed mixtapes for long car journeys through the undergrowth, puppies, nibbly bits, home-made poetry, jumpers and pyjamas for cold Cape Town nights, literature and diamonds. He's a very fussy giraffe. And highbrow. Send him a Stephenie Meyer and he'll rip your eyes out.

So, his postal address is thus:

The Giraffe
Above The Sea
50 Highway
Fish Hoek
Cape Town
South Africa

He'll send you a thank-you note. He has special headed paper and a lined sheet underneath so he doesn't go wonky. He used to have problems with wonk but the lined paper has pretty much sorted him out. Forgive him the occasional slip, his eyes are pretty far from his pen-holding hoof (he's a front lefty) so he's going in blind. Bless.



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